Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hi Everybody! Boy, its been awhile since I've made a comment...Hopefully, everyone had a great St. Patrick's Day! I did and the weather sure is cooperating with the temperatures in the seventies. Last week, we were on spring break. It was nice, but it sure was short. Finally, I got to have lunch with an old friend. Then I finished my mother's paperwork. Thursday, I went to St. Louis to see our daughter and returned home Friday evening. Saturday morning, we went to Charleston to get our little grandson. Ethan was here until Sunday. Oh, we had so much fun with Ethan. Whenever Ethan is here and we are ready to leave, our dog, Peanut has to go with us. Well, at least she thinks she does. After I loaded Ethan in his car seat, I loaded Peanut in her car seat. Peanut's car seat is like an old fashion car seat. Its made out of lamb wool as a basket, which hooks over the seat. As we were driving down main street, I came to a stop. Unfortunately, Peanut didn't, Peanut did a double back flip out of the basket. Have you ever seen a football with sticks poking out going end or end? That is about the best description of Peanut flying out of the basket... Of course, Ethan kept stating "Peanut fell out of the basket" over and over...Since Sunday, I think Ethan has told everyone he has came into contact with about Peanut falling out of the basket... Take care, Cindy

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2013 Galloway Reunion

2013 Galloway Reunion

Callie Mae Brink

Callie Mae Brink
5 lbs. 7 oz. 19" Born 4:06 Jan. 25, 2013