Sunday, April 26, 2009

Wow! The weather has been beautiful this weekend! In the 80's, it has been great. Saturday, we made a trip to Menard's in Effingham. Harold went a little nutty over the flowers! We planted flowers,and more flowers, and oh yes, more flowers. Harold is as crazy or crazier than I about flowers...They are beautiful. Saturday evening after our hard work, we decided to go in the house to enjoy the rest of the evening. Unfortunately, we didn't have a very nice surprise waiting on us. Our 12 year-old television would not turn on..OH NO! Harold without a large TV; especially,when it is time for COPS!!!! What a catastrophe! Harold thought he could wait until we go to St. Louis next weekend to shop for a new television. Ah, the withdraws were just too much for poor old Harold. We had to made a trip to Wal-Mart to get a new television. After waiting for about 30 minutes, we finally made our grand purchase of a new TV. The wind was horrific coming home, but Harold lasso the TV good and tight. We made it home safe and sound. Thanks to Harold W., the old one has now left the building =0)!

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2013 Galloway Reunion

2013 Galloway Reunion

Callie Mae Brink

Callie Mae Brink
5 lbs. 7 oz. 19" Born 4:06 Jan. 25, 2013