Thursday, November 4, 2010

A little history...

Elizabeth GRAHAM Galloway and Her Seven (7) Sons
From Genforum: Before they came to America, Elizabeth and her sons moved from Wigton, Scotland to Ireland. They had settled in County Antrim, Ireland which became known as the Galloway District.

The 7 Galloway Brothers came in 1740 to the colonies with their mother, a few wives for those who were married and some children. They landed in Pennsylvania, their father having died in Scotland. From there the brothers spread out. An article indicates that "4 of the brothers settled in PA, 1 went to SC, and James was found by land records Roane and Knox Co.'s TN, and he settled in Old Crab Orchard, KY." [ The information comes from a story published by the Stone Co, MO Historical Society] Another posting states: Two of them, George and William stayed in PA, one went to SC, one to KY, one to TN, and one to IN, and one is unaccounted for. Further information on Peter is listed under his tree.

The seven sons were: Samuel, John, William, Peter, James, Thomas and George.


Unfortunately, life was not to be good for Elizabeth GRAHAM Galloway. On November 1, 1755 at the Great Cove near Chambersburg [Cumberland Co., Pennsylvania], Elizabeth, one of her daughter-in-laws, Martha, and two of Elizabeth's grandchildren were all killed by Indians. This was according to Sipe's 1929 book "Indian Wars in Pennsylvania" p 222, Elizabeth, her daughter-in-law, Martha (Mrs. William Galloway) and two children were killed.[actually, Elizabeth was killed, but Martha and two of Martha's children were carried away by the Indians - no one knows what became of them after that].

"The people on the path valley is all Gethered Unto a small fort, and the last account, was Safe. The Great Cove and Kennalaways is all Burned to Ashes, and about 50 persons killed or taken. There is numbers of the inhabitants of this County have moved their families, Sum to York County, and Sum to Maryland; ... "
I had read a gruesome account of what those people went through, but I cannot find it right now. However, I did find a site which has some of the info -

1. Elizabeth Galloway, her son William Galloway, and his wife and children, resided in Great Cove, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania in 1755.

2. Elizabeth Galloway was killed by Delaware Indians in Great Cove, Cumberland, Pennsylvania on 1 November 1755. Her death was witnessed by a grandson, a child of Elizabeth's son, William. She was 93 years of age (this would place her year of birth at 1662), and was found lying with a stake through her heart and her breast torn off. *We have that Elizabeth was born in 1690 so she would have been about 65 years old and I believe this is correct.

3. The wife and two children of William Galloway were captured by Delaware Indians in Great Cove, Cumberland, Pennsylvania on 1 November 1755. It is unknown if they survived.

4. A young woman, not named, resided with the family of William Galloway, and was captured by Delaware Indians in Great Cove, Cumberland, Pennsylvania on 1 November 1755.


  1. Hello! I found this post through the Geni page about Elizabeth Galloway - who I believe I am related to as well!

    I have a note from my great great grandfather that has similar text to the text on the Samuel Galloway page (husband of Elizabeth).

    I also made a note on Samuel's Geni page, but thought I would say hello here as well since it would seem we have Elizabeth & Sam in common as ancestors.

    I'm curious where your notes on this page came from? Is your family line from one of the seven brothers? My note says that William founded my branch but I am having trouble making the connection from William to the names that I know (Lewis > Glenn > Gale > Greg > Me).

  2. Hi All. We seem to be related. I too am an ancestor of poor Elizabeth and Samuel. Her son John was my great, great, great,great Grandfather. We are from the William Thomas Galloway family who lived in Oxford Pa before moving to Salem County NJ. Where my grandmother Gertrude Galloway Bacon lived. Any information on the Oxford home will be appreciated. I have a picture of my Grandmother standing in front of it in 1939. I also have numerous pictures of John and William T.

  3. Hello! I just got a notification about your reply, I wrote the comment above yours. I’d love to chat more about this can you email me?

    My family is from William as well, and I have another William (Father of Lewis) up my line and i can’t connect the two yet.

    Would really love to see the photos, too!


  4. Hello family lore always said that I was related to the 7 brothers. I’ve managed to trace back to my 3rd great grand father William born circa 1775. Do you have any information that may help me.

    William Galloway (1775 - 1862)
    3rd great-grandfather

    Isaac R Galloway (1811 - 1891)
    Son of William Galloway

    John Wesley Galloway (1848 - 1924)
    Son of Isaac R Galloway

    Catherine Pauline Galloway (1893 - 1973)
    Daughter of John Wesley Galloway

    Laura Mae Daegele (1931 - 1994)
    Daughter of Catherine Pauline Galloway

    Robert Alan Daegele
    You are the son of Laura Mae Daegele

  5. Robert, I have a William up my line as well but he would have been born in the mid 1800's, not 1775, so likely not the same William.

    There is a photo and transcription of some notes about the 7 brothers on my site, I wonder if anyone else has a similar story written down? (

    FYI, I'm on 23andme, too, in case anyone else is we can see what generation it thinks we're connected, which could help connect some dots.

  6. My great grandfather John Wesley Galloway had a brother William born around 1830.

    All he brothers named their sons the same name which makes it a nightmare to research.

  7. Hi , I am a descendant of James Galloway who had land in Knox and Roane County Tennessee. i have a tree on and recently all my information was changed. That is why i am searching, again. I was hoping you could direct me to where i can find the correct information.I may not even have the correct James. I am not sure anymore. My James was married to Anne Housley...but that aint certain either, His son Charles Galloway born 1786 in Knox County Tn who married Ellender Hinds/Hines , they had a daughter named Jane Galloway who married James Coward. Charles and Elender moved to Missouri and became a promenient family there. Thank you. i hope you dont mind i asked.

  8. Looking for anyone that knows Clardis Galloway he's the son of early Galloway

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2013 Galloway Reunion

2013 Galloway Reunion

Callie Mae Brink

Callie Mae Brink
5 lbs. 7 oz. 19" Born 4:06 Jan. 25, 2013